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Sources of Funding for Businesses

Bank Funding:

  • Bank Loan

  • Overdraft

  • Asset Finance

  • Trade Finance

  • Invoice Finance

Other Funding Options:

  • FFF - the 3 Fs (friends, family and fools) -often considered the first source of finance


  • Sweat Equity

    • a non-monetary benefit that a company's stakeholders give in labour and time, rather than a monetary contribution.

  • Competitions and Awards

    • Google search for details of local / national business and sector competitions/ awards

  • Responsible Finance Network 

    • Responsible finance providers, otherwise known as Community Development Finance Institutions (CDFIs) - are local social enterprises who get finance to people, businesses and social enterprises who can't get finance from banks.  Homepage - Responsible Finance


Nick Howe, Regional Enterprise Manager at NatWest, gave a great overview on the different sources of funding available for businesses - at our Enterprise Enfield/ NLCCE event on 8th December.  Here's a summary with useful links below.

Nick is offering FREE 121 sessions to discuss funding, you can get in touch: M 07826 902235 E

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