I am originally from Venezuela, having studied Law for almost 4 years I then realized I wanted something else for my life -so decided to leave the career and the country altogether and follow my dreams of continuing with acting and theatre while in Madrid, where I lived for 3 years. I had an intermediate knowledge of English and came to London in 2004 to learn English.
I felt wonderfully comfortable in this country and was amazed by all the opportunities I found in this city. Whilst going through a lot of emotional instability I discovered Zen Shiatsu and after one treatment I experienced how my emotions could change and be released with energy and body work. That is where my path started, I went on to study Zen Shiatsu then Movement Shiatsu for 3 years; Cosmic Healing with Taoist Master Mantak Chia, Taoism; Oriental Medicine Nutrition, Tantra and Yoga. I became a Neurolinguistic programming Practitioner, and studied Sports massage; Moon Mother from the Female Awakening system with Miranda Gray. I have a Postgraduate Diploma in Movement Shiatsu with Bill Palmer and Teresa Hadland and am currently training to be a Movement Shiatsu teacher.
I am dedicated to helping people experience what I have, and learn about the connection between humans with the universe and the natural world. I think we must first start with ourselves in order to sort out any other external issues. My business is a Social Enterprise promoting the benefits of Complementary Holistic Therapies within all members of our community no matter, age, condition or gender.
My background and experience
Zen Shiatsu Practitioner since 2004.
Graduate and Postgraduate Diploma in Movement Shiatsu with Bill Palmer and Teresa Handland. Currently training to become an Inner Qiqong and Movement Shiatsu Teacher. Movement Shiatsu uses Gestalt Psychotherapy, Taoism, Tibetan Yoga practices and body work.
I have worked with disabled adults giving Shiatsu treatments and as a carer since 2014.
I founded and directed a Massage centre in Barcelona- Spain from 2008 until 2012.
I hold regular Women groups for Female energy Awakening system by Miranda Gray.
Neurolinguistic Programming Practitioner Diploma from the Venezuelan Institute of NLP in 2012. From Lenin Wilhelm direct student of Richard Bandler.
Cosmic Healing Practitioner since 2008 from the Universal Healing Tao System by Mantak Chia.
Reiki Usui practitioner.
Sports Massage Therapist, Currently a Complementary Therapist Volunteer in UCLH London to help increase awareness of the need for complementary therapies within the NHS.
Why I started my business
Because I helped disabled adults to experience wellbeing, better health and better sleep - I could see the benefits of holistic therapies first hand. So the seed was planted for me to carry on and increase the offer of Complementary Holistic Therapies to anyone who suffers from health issues.
My proudest achievements in business
Registered Heartfelt Hands Therapies as a Community Interest Company in February 2020. Formed a team of directors with two other experienced professionals in the field.
Became service provider of Simply Connect Enfield and Enfield Voluntary action to help link workers and the social prescribing element of the NHS to grow.
Became member of Social Enterprise UK
Secured work with another CIC and with public organizations that support disabled adults, carers and children in Enfield Borough.
Completed the Female Founders Programme with Enterprise Enfield in 2020.
Contact Ruth directly on: ruthzabbar@touchtherapies.org