euta05ir6ge74kydr8o976jl23kepk Information, Advice & Guidance Policy | enterprise-enfield
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Enterprise Enfield:

Information, Advice and Guidance Service

1. Our Purpose

  • The purpose of the Information, Advice and Guidance Service (IAG) is to encourage, guide and inform entrepreneurs to start up and develop sustainable businesses.

  • Through IAG we assist entrepreneurs to understand most aspects of running a successful business taking in to account their individual experience, skills and circumstances.

  • Entrepreneurs are guided through a route of identifying their needs, creating an action plan, following the plan and reviewing the journey and outcome.

  • We signpost to appropriate partners when it is in the best interest of the client.

  • We provide young and vulnerable adults with appropriate safety and protection whilst being provided with services, by us or a third party working on our behalf.

  • We offer IAG through ‘one to one’ expert business advice, business skills seminars and  programmes. In addition, we have created a package of services for new entrepreneurs through the North London Business Hub.

  • As an Enterprise Agency we are driven by our mission rather than a focus on profit and there is a strong emphasis on service delivery and helping those groups of people identified as under-represented in business. In line with this ethos we seek to offer our service at either no cost or alternatively at a subsidised rate wherever possible.

  • Many of Enterprise Enfield’s services are paid for by contracts it secures with funders, such as European Union, Greater London Authority and local charity and The RSA Trust.

  • The IAG service contributes to Enterprise Enfield’s commitment to being ‘a leading centre of excellence for business support in our region’.


2. Aim   

  • We aim to assist people to start up and grow strong and sustainable businesses.


3. Objectives 

  • A commitment to providing a professional and high-quality business advice service that is relevant to individual needs at the point of contact.

  • To engage suitably qualified/experienced business advisers and trainers.

  • To provide IAG that is independent, impartial and in our clients’ best interests.

  • To always protect the confidentiality of the information supplied by clients 

  • Encourage continual professional development of all personnel.

  • Obtain feedback from clients on the quality of our services and use this to improve the service and let our clients know what has happened.

  • Measure the success of our IAG service through surveying our clients periodically to review their progress and obstacles they are facing.

  • We are committed to continual assessment, learning and improvement and have maintained the Matrix accreditation.



4. Policies, standards and codes of practice that underpin the provision of IAG

These policies are also on display in our North London Business Hub premises, or copies can be requested from reception.  Enterprise Enfield's services are quality assured by Matrix - which is the quality standard for information, advice and guidance services

If you require any help or support for your own mental health and wellbeing - please see these useful links:

5. Feedback

We welcome feedback from our clients and this can be provided to us:

  • By e-mail

  • On feedback forms / online feedback surveys:

    • after business advice sessions / seminars / webinars / events

    • after visiting the North London Business Hub


We are committed to continuous service improvement.  However, should the service not meet your expectations, we would welcome your comments and suggestions for improvement. We will respond to any complaints within 7 working days.

We will let you know how we have responded to clients' suggestions:

*Please note our services are for people aged 18 years and over, adults are also not permitted to bring anyone under 18 to attend sessions at our North London Business Hub premises.

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