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Congratulations to SME News Award Winners!

Two of Enterprise Enfield's E-business Programme participants have received awards from SME News recently. Huge congratulations to them both for their well deserved recognition!

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Christina Tueje, founder of GRC Information Management Solutions – was awarded the SME News Most Client-focused Data Protection Consultancy for 2022.

"I still feel a bit overwhelmed and shell shocked that we won the award. At GRC we do work extremely hard to ensure that our services demystify GDPR rules for freelancers, sole traders and micro businesses. For bigger organisations we work at Board advisory level to ensure that digital transformation is delivered in line within GDPR rules. So it’s amazing and incredible to receive formal recognition for our refreshed approach."

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Lisa Seagroatt of HR Fit for Purpose  is not only celebrating the 5th anniversary of her business this year, but has just won the HR Managing Director of the Year Award from SME News. - she said:

“The last five years have been quite incredible since starting HR Fit for Purpose.  When I started this journey nearly six years ago I was in such a low place after my mental health breakdown I never thought I’d have the strength to get back into work let alone start my own business and then write a book about my journey out of the toxic world of employment and into liberating self employment. 

I’m absolutely delighted that I’m now able to use my negative experience of workplace stress and bullying in a positive way to help both business leaders and individuals to create healthy workplace cultures – remember, people are your most valuable asset so it’s essential to take care of them!”

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